Thursday, May 21, 2015




Monday, May 18, 2015


Hadiri majlis Bacaan yasin dan tahlil..diberitakan arwah kena apendik dalam 4 hari ..sehingga pecah....walaupun penyakit ini x bahaya tetapi jika tidak dibendung awal maka ia akan membawa maut...hati2

Kos pembedahan penyakit ini dalam 7~8k bergantung pada umur juga....jk pecah kos akan meningkat hingga 25k
 Apa itu Apendiks?

Apendiks adalah lebihan pada usus perut. Sekiranya berlaku jangkitan ia boleh menyakitkan. Apendisitis yang teruk boleh menyebabkan apendiks pecah dengan pembentukan nanah di dalam rerongga abdomen atau peritonitis (jangkitan rerongga abdomen)

Peringkat awal. Tanda awal yang biasa berlaku ialah bila kita mula rasa sakit dari bahagian pusat dan kemudian melarat ke bahagian bawah abdomen/perut.
Jika radang merebak ke tisu sekitar, rasa sakit bawah perut akan rasa lebih kuat dan mungkin semakin teruk.

Loya dan muntah-muntah. Ramai yang sangka mungkin salah makan atau keracunan makanan. Maka, ubat tahan muntah dan loya menjadi pilihan ramai doktor. Ini pentingnya kita tahu gabungan gejala dan tanda sakit perut yang luar biasa.

Hilang selera makan. Bila dah selalu muntah dan rasa loya, mana mungkin nak makan dengan berselerakan? Jadi, kalau kita sakit perut lebih dari 3 hari, selera makan pun hilang, eloklah segera ke klinik atau hospital berdekatan untuk pemeriksaan rapi.

Cirit-birit. Ini antara gejala awal berlaku radang appendik.

Sembelit. Ada sesetengah pesakit appendik rasa susah nak buang air besar

Sukar kentut. Ini antara tanda/gejala penting sakit perut atau radang appendik. Memang amat susah untuk buang angin bila seseorang tu appendiknya sudah bengkak. Jadi, jangan marah kalau insan tersayang anda kentut. Itu tandanya dia sihat!

Bengkak pada abdomen/perut. Memang tak berapa nampak sebenarnya, tapi kalau betul-betul appendik kita bengkak (di dalam perut), memang akan boleh dilihat jika kita berbaring. Akan nampak sedikit bengkakan di sekitar bawah perut kanan. Biasanya kalau ditekan, memang terasa sakit dan tak selesa.

Demam. Ini soalan nombor 1 yang doktor akan tanya. Jadi, kalau ada rasa badan panas sedikit (lebih 37 degree), pastikan kita maklumkan pada doktor.
Kedudukan lutut. Bagi pesakit ini, bila ditarik kedua lutut ke arah dada, rasa sakit perut tu akan berkurang dan lebih selesa.
Anda mungkin juga meminati:

Friday, May 15, 2015

Plan Pampasan Kanser

Plan kanser ini memberi pampasan seawal kasinoma in situ

Monday, May 11, 2015

Cancer Survivor

Ricky Deniz / Liver Cancer Survivor
Ricky Deniz was diagnosed with liver Cancer in 2005. In this video, Robbie explains how Oasis of Hope was different from the other hospitals he had treated: “When I came into this place, it did not feel like a hospital. I had been in many hospitals before, but this place was different. It really felt like if I was coming home.”

cancer survivor

Judith Lowe / Ovarian Cancer

Judith Lowe was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. In this video, she recalls the compassion and support she experienced at Oasis of Hope Hospital: "My family was very apprehensive about receiving treatment in Mexico knowing that the best treatment in the world is in the US. But as we arrived at the hospital we knew that Oasis of Hope was the right choice."


 “It won't happen to me.” That's the first reaction when one thinks of cancer. Some might even say; “my family has no history of cancer, therefore I’m safe.” Unfortunately, in today's day and age, no one can say with confidence that cancer can be avoided. However, with medical advances, it is possible to diagnose most forms of cancer early and treat them successfully.

Cancer is a sickness that does not discriminate. It does not care about the body in which it calls home. It only cares about satisfying its greed and satisfying its need to multiply. It is merciless in its mission to take over its host completely until the host no longer exists.

According to the National Cancer Registry 2002 report:
  • There were over 26,000 new cancer cases diagnosed in Peninsular Malaysia.
  • Unlike Singapore, Malaysian women have a higher incidence of cancer (55 per cent versus 45 per cent) than men.
  • One in 5.5 Malaysians is expected to get cancer in their lifetime (1 in 4 for Chinese, 1 in 5 for Indians and 1 in 7 for Malays).

    Common cancers in Malaysia:
  • The most common cancer in Malaysian males is lung cancer, followed by nasopharyngeal or nose cancer.
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females followed by cervical cancer.
  • Colorectal cancer is increasing in incidence in both sexes.

Risk factors

  • These include: age, family history, smoking, lifestyle factors, viruses and ionising radiation.
  • Tobacco causes approximately 30 per cent of cancers, including cancer of the lung, oral cavity, cervix, pancreas and urinary bladder.
  • The Human Papilloma virus causes cervical cancer and is transmitted through sexual activity with multiple male partners.
  • Hepatitis B can lead to liver cancer. Although family history is important, less than one per cent cancers are inherited or hereditary.

    In certain occupations, such as in the asbestos and wood industries, workers have a higher incidence of developing the disease, in these cases of lung and nose cancers respectively.

    Dietary factors are responsible for about 30 per cent cancers. Saturated fats are associated with breast, uterus, ovary and colon cancers. Low fibre diets cause colon cancers. High intakes of pickles predispose people to sto
    mach cancer.
Cancer. It is a dreaded word that many consider a death sentence.
There are 210 types of diseases classified under the umbrella name of cancer. Cancer strikes 11 million adults and children every year throughout the world and six million die from it annually. Closer to home, 45,000 Malaysians are told every year that they have cancer. In Malaysia today, cancer is the second leading cause of death after heart disease.
The statistics are frightening and the odds of surviving cancer are one in four. Is it any wonder that people with cancer find it difficult to face this dreaded disease bravely?
CancerCare is a medical plan that provides lump sum benefit payments if the person covered is diagnosed with Cancer, Gender Specific Cancer or Carcinoma in Situ (CIS). In addition, we also provide a hassle free claim for funeral expenses.


Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled or unregulated growth of cells. The word is derived from "crab" in Latin. In general, one billion cells are required for a cancer lump to reach 1cm diameter or to weigh 1g. This is the limit of detection by imaging techniques.